COVID Sessional Fees

Submitting COVID Sessional Claims#

Please make sure to add a dummy patient for these claims (Health Card: 9999999999 AA, Name: John Smith DOB: Jan 1, 1975 Sex: Male) so the app will allow you to submit the claim. Once you have done this for one claim you can copy that claim (using the middle button on the top right of the Claims screen) for subsequent claims that need a dummy patient.

Please note that for H409/H410 claims each unit equals 1 hour of work and please make sure to use the Coronavirus diagnostic code (80).

You can review the Ministry Bulletin for further details.


COVID Sessional Claims must have a MOH Group. Please see MOH Group Setup

Sessional Fees#

Fee CodeFee Code DescriptionFee Code Amount
H409COVID-19 Sessional Unit-per one-hour period, or major part thereof$170.00
H410COVID-19 Sessional Unit-per one-hour period, or major part thereof on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or Monday to Friday afterhours (5pm-7am)$220.00